Sunday, December 14, 2008

All Things Christmas


Christmas is right around the we've pulled together a one-stop holiday shop with everything you need to enjoy a successful, mishap-free celebration! From cookie recipes and roast ideas to money- and stress-management tips, plus fun family crafts and unusual gifts, there's something here for everyone-whether you're entertaining or being entertained. Happy holidays!

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Saturday, November 01, 2008

From House to Home

What makes the space we live in a home? This question is worth answering if, as we believe, the wellbeing of each person begins in the home.

Study and research shows that a successful home influences the welfare of our society.

Personal well-being and improved quality of life – these are everyone’s goals, but where do we start?

According to anthropologists, sociologists, doctors, economists and educationalists, the answer lies in the home. What we eat, basic hygiene and health care, the quality of our home surroundings, our space and the way we use our time at home are all fundamental to our overall development and the fulfilment of our individual potential.

The purpose of the Home Renaissance Foundation is to bring about a change in public perception of the value of the work in the home and how profoundly it affects us. Our vision is to advance the recognition of the importance of high quality care provided in the home and its determining impact on achieving a balanced society. This can be brought about by encouraging research, promoting professional standards in all home skills, renewing the culture of the home and giving due recognition to its social value.

November 20th & 21st 2008
The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre London

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Recommended web page

I recently discovered an interesting website and wanted to share it with you

A very good idea

You can check it at

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Menu Planning: Save Time in the Kitchen


What's for dinner?

It's the question of the hour. Too many home managers look for answers in the supermarket at 5 p.m. Harried, harassed by by hungry children, they rack their brains for an answer to the dinner-hour question.

Three meals a day. Seven dinners a week. From supermarket to pantry, refrigerator to table, sink to cupboard, the kitchen routine can get old, old, old.

No wonder we hide our heads like ostriches from the plain and simple fact: into each day, one dinner must fall.

What's the answer? A menu plan.


Saturday, February 09, 2008

During Lent, Americans turn to seafood

During the Lenten season, people search for alternatives to red meat, often forgetting about a low-fat, protein-packed option they probably already have in their cupboard - canned and pouched seafood. Registered dietitian Sharon McNerney recommends pantry-ready seafood as an inexpensive and tasty option for Lenten recipes because of its convenience and the numerous health benefits.


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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Let's Talk

If you have ever asked yourself any of these questions, then HomeAdvantage can work for you…
• How can I find more time for what is most important for my family?
• How can I organize my house once and for all?
• How can I tame the paper?
• How can I plan dinnertime with less stress?
• How can I get daily and weekly errands accomplished more smoothly?
• How can I get the grocery shopping done in less time?
• How can I teach my children to work at home without nagging?
• How can I keep a clean and clutterfree kitchen?
• How can I find time to exercise or for quiet personal time without feeling guilty about the housework waiting for me?
• How can I balance the demands of work and home with less stress?

If any of these questions sound familiar, then join us to discover your HomeAdvantage!
To provide motivational resources and practical information for creating a home that enhances the quality of life for individuals and families. Read more...

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