Monday, June 26, 2006

Info-share...a click away

Internet has bridged gaps and has changed our way of working. What years ago was "my knowledge" or "my book" nowadays is different. I can read whatever other people are working on and I can tell them what I am doing. The incredible thing with this information exchange is that nobody loses, both sides win.
I've just started building some sections in my blog about Home where I've e-written my best links and I've sorted them to make them easy to use. "Click on Lanundry" and "Click on Kitchen" and send your suggestions.
When Cleaning is ready I'll tell you

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Well Done!

High were my expectations from the first Conference "Excellence in the Home" and I was not dissapointed with it at all. As Prue Leith pointed out of the start of the Conference: "Imagine! a two day Conference with international speakers to discuss no, not global warming, terrorism but Domestic Science -in other words cooking, shopping, making beds and cleaning up".
The first Conference chose for its theme DIET: "Balanced Diet-Balanced Life", something common to all of us. Nobody can say this matter does not concern me.
The theme was seen from different points of view, from the sociological and anthropological aspect, health and professional standards. The four keynote speeches and the afternoon workshops were an inter change of ideas where each one presented each one's own experience.
The words of the chairman best sum up the fruits of the 2-day event: "The serious purpose of this Conference is to bring a change in the public perception of the value of practical work in the Home and how profoundly the quality affects us all. In order to optimise our inherited traditions, our natural talents and the development of the technology for work in the Home, we need professional training such us considered essential in other fields".
My favourite topic was the panel discussion on the "Care of the Home as a Life Skill".
  • "All the work and the skills done and taught within the family, all the values we live up to and we teach the children become a part of their every day make-up in a very natural way".
  • "We learn most of our skills at Home. The skills for organizing and managing a Home can be taught in the family, in schools and in business setting."

And the most amazing idea:

  • "Bring education in Home management skills to the work place is a key element for work/life balance".
  1. Transferring skills from work to Home.
  2. Home management solution to reduce work life stress.

I was deeply struck with everything and I hope you will want to join me in this fascinating task of trying to exchange experiences and eventually earning women a better place in the family.

See you soon with more ideas.