Find tips on healthy eating, recipies for balanced meals, resources on getting your family together at mealtimes, and advice on nutrition for your whole family, no matter the age of your children or your family's lifestyle.
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Home e-Journal hopes to be a site for the exchange of ideas and experiences about Work in the Home. "If order, clean design, and good state of repair and well-mannered personnel are signs of a well-run business, why not of a good Home?". Prue leith OBE,DL Weekend Financial Times, May 6/May 7 2006
If you guessed more than a half-hour, you're wrong. Children are spending a mere 24 minutes a day doing cleaning, laundry and other housework -- a 12% decline since 1997 and a 25% drop from 1981 levels, says Sandra Hofferth, director of the Maryland Population Research Center at the University of Maryland, based on a forthcoming study of 1,343 children. In the glacial realm of sociological change, that amounts to a free fall.
It also reflects "important behavioral and values shifts that will affect lives for years to come," Dr. Hofferth says. One consequence is never more obvious than at this time of year, when hundreds of thousands of college freshmen move into their dorms and promptly begin destroying their laundry. Other studies suggest the shift may have longer-term